Dear UNT community,
This time of year is for thinking about what you're grateful for, and we want to say thank you for being part of the Mean Green Family. As our recent video shot at our new UNT Welcome Center highlights, UNT pride transcends age and lasts a lifetime. Whether you joined the UNT family as a first-generation college student like Claudia Cooper ('06), staff member like Stephanie McDonald, met your spouse in a class like Brandon Chase McGee ('16) and Tamera McGee ('10), or have North Texas ties dating back 100 years like Will Matthews ('99 M.Ed.), grandson of UNT's eighth president J.C. Matthews ('25), we are so thankful to have you as a member of our thriving university community.
UNT gained incredible momentum in 2019. We welcomed our largest-ever freshman class, received reaffirmation as a Tier One research university, secured a record-high $61 million in annual giving and graduated more than 9,600 students. As we enter a new decade, we will continue to make meaningful research discoveries, develop degree programs in tandem with industry-leading businesses, expand our partnerships, and, most importantly, help our students thrive. At UNT, we help students achieve their dreams so that once they join our alumni network of 434,000, they become the creative leaders of tomorrow.
From our family to yours, we wish you a warm holiday season filled with joy — and Mean Green cookies!
UNT Proud,
Neal and Debbie Smatresk
P.S. UNT's award-winning Clark Bakery shared its recipe for Sugar Cookies with Mean Green Frosting and I'm giving away a UNT Diving Eagle cookie cutter to 75 lucky UNT supporters. Click here to enter the giveaway by the Dec. 11 deadline.